Tuesday 1 April 2008

Something Crafty - at last!

At long last my crafting mojo has returned. It deserted me the moment I got pregnant and nauseous and has been a long time returning. I am making a fabric picture to frame and hang in Little Baby Sister's room and as I have a thing for little cottages and cottage gardens that's what I'm making. I am of course inspired by the wonderful Amanda and her son Ezra as well. I have never done anything like this before so it's all experimental but it's also great fun getting stuck into a new project I can do by hand. (My Mum and I share the sewing machine and she has it at the moment.) Will show a pic when it is finished - I promise. Actually now I am finishing work for the year maybe I will have more time to start some new craft projects before the baby arrives...... here's hoping! (On that note: Amazon UK have told me I have to wait another 3 weeks until Amanda's book arrives - argh!)

1 comment:

Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

Oh this is so sweet, what a treasure. My boys adore their cushions with their embrodered work of on, infact this week one got a little grumpy when his friend curled up with it at story time. SO just think - you are making something really special...