Tuesday 4 September 2007

A Handmade Home

I recently caught the crafting bug. Or at least regained the crafting bug.

I think it's mainly due to the fact that I am at home more and being a nesting mother I feel like surrounding myself with cosy, comfy homemade things. I want to create a relaxed family home full of kids paintings, handmade blankets and cushions. Mismatched crockery, jars full of shells, flowers from the garden. Full of life and colour and meaning.

Crafting is a much maligned artform. It really doesn't get nearly enough respect. I think of it as an old tradition of frugal living, of making things from scaps in order to save money. It is also about love and the pleasure of making things for other people . It is about family and traditions and passing on heirlooms. About using your hands and brain to make things rather than simply running down to the shop. It's about expressing yourself and being creative.

I enjoyed art when I was a kid and I was always making paper houses and miniature gardens and painting. Then as a working adult I forgot the simple pleasure of making things. I was too busy working and commuting and trying to keep up with friends and family. The one thing I have kept up is photography although I only have a cheap digital compact. Taking photos for this blog has been a great exercise in improving my eye and technique. There is such beauty in every day things and the memories of such ordinary happy stuff fade away unless they are snapped to preserve them.

I am also inspired on a daily basis by the fabulous craft blogs there are floating around the internet. It seems to me to be a wondeful kind, sharing, beautiful, inspirational and supportive community. I will link to the ones I find most inspiring as I go along.

And now I have also got back into making things. Especially with fabric. I treated myself to some superbuzzy fabric at the beginning but now I try to use thrifted and recycled fabric instead. I started making tote bags to put the groceries in so I could stop using plastic bags. Then I progressed to some lavender hearts as presents for my Mum and mother -in-law. NextI made some baby toys (blocks and stuffed cats). WIPs are a stuffed car (he likes things with wheels on them!) for Alex and some more complex animals such as a stuffed dog for my sister-in-laws new baby. I like making stuff for people. It is far more satisfying than buying it and I hope that they enjoy receiving it. Finding the time to do it - now that is another matter altogether. The odd nap time and the odd late night are about it. I am going to challenge myself to make one thing a week and take it from there.

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