Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Not quite spring yet

Not quite spring yet, but almost there. Still cold and wet and possible snow to come but at least the flowers are here.

Soon it will be Easter and the great village Easter Egg Hunt. Alex has been making Easter cards and easter egg baskets and pre-school.

Pregnancy Update:I am 30 weeks pregnant and enormous already. Little Baby Sister is doing well and moving lots. Alex has been very sweet and kissing the bump on a regular basis as well as shouting "hello" loudly at it! I feel fine - apart from a few of the usual aches and pains - but I am being driven to distraction by the health service at the moment. I have been trying to obtain my blood test results from almost 8 weeks ago to check that I don't need any iron supplements. Can my midwife find them - no. I asked her to hunt them down and post them to me and instead she sends me forms to request new tests. I go to my GP and ask for them but she tells me I didnt have the full blood count done. Which is rubbish as I know I did as I discussed it with them when they were taking the 6 vials of blood. And then when I ask her to follow it up she rushes off to take a private phone call and doesn't bother to finish the conversation with me! I finally manage to speak to the phlebotomist who tells me if something was wrong the hospital would have contacted me. Which is also rubbish as they never contact me about anything at all. Between the hospital, the midwife and the GP none of them appear to have a clue what's going on and who is doing what. I finally managed to speak to another phlebotomist who did track down my results and has printed them off for me to collect. But I have to make another GP appointment to discuss them - again. Sigh. Also I have to spend a couple of hours at the hospital this week doing a GTT test even though I don't have Gestational diabetes because I had such a big baby last time. Which I have explained is genetic as my m-i-l had big babies but it seems they aren't paying much attention to me (just like last time!). It really doesn't give me much confidence in the whole system at all.

And I had such a traumatic labour and delivery with Alex (you really really don't want to know the details) that ended in an emergency c section and emergency blood transfusion that I think we will be booking in for a planned c section this time. At least I might be able to gain a tiny bit of control over the whole process. But of course my consultant despite having read my horror story is still trying to get me to do a Vbac.

So 8 or 9 weeks to go........tick tock.


Unknown said...

Stand your ground - go for a c section if that's what you want - the most important thing is a safe delivery for babe and a healthy you as well

Just Original said...

Is'nt strange that when you have a baby your world is dictacted by weeks even when your baby is born it always 'she's 8 weeks old, not 2 months old'.

Stick with the 'C' section if that makes you feel more in control!