Tuesday 19 February 2008

Show and Tell - my vintage Sasha Doll

So I was talking a while back about my old Sasha doll from the 1960s which I am going to put in LBS's room (that's little baby sister aas she is known around here - even though she is still a bump!). I love this doll as she was one of two I had as a kid. I was such a tomboy I really hated dolls and only this one and a ragdoll were tolerated. I think because she looks older and exotic I thought she was cool. And as she was from my very cool older swiss cousin that made her even better. She also came with her own suitcase of handmade clothes from the sixties which I still have today. Look at all these cute dresses!

In the spirit of not making gender based choices for my son I gave him the doll to play with but he is not interested in her at all. I guess she just doesn't do much! He likes things that go (cars, trains, planes), building blocks, the toy farm and animals, jigsaws and art such as drawing and glueing things. He does like domestic things like cooking, playing picnic, pretend ironing etc. I wonder if LBS will be the same?

1 comment:

Sabine said...

Lovely clothes! I just discovered my old Sasha doll in a box, oh, how I loved to play with her!