Tuesday 30 October 2007


We had a busy week last week as my brother and his partner were over from Boston (USA) where he now lives. We had a great week playing with my nephews (who live here in the UK with his ex-wife) and catching up. I really miss him as I only see him twice a year now and with all the kids around we don't get much time to really talk properly. He likes outdoor stuff like me - hiking, biking, sailing and is thinking about taking up kayaking. He was telling me all about Boston and the fact that in the summer you have all the wonderful coastline and in the winter you are a short drive to the mountains for skiing. Jealous - me? Of course. All that wilderness on your doorstep plus snowy winters and hot summers. Mind you he works so hard ( a doctor in emergency medicine) that he only gets the odd weekend and two weeks a year holidays. Not much time for all that wonderful scenery and when he is on holiday he comes to the UK to see his kids. I met his partner Anne for the first time and she is lovely - really lovely. I just wished they lived closer so I could get to know her better.

I was thinking about siblings and how important they are. I have loved having a brother. We fought like cat and dog when we were kids but I have always appreciated his company. I think that is what I want Alex to have a sibling. I was quite happy to have only one child as I thought he is such a great kid I would be tempting fate to ask for another! But then I thought about how much it means to be part of a family, to have siblings around especially as your parents get elderly. There is someone there who is still part of your past, who really knows you, who shared much of your life with you. I have friends who are only children who are in the process of losing one or both parents and they tell me how desperately sad it is to lose all contact with your past and that it is a very lonely feeling.

I am 9 weeks tomorrow. Off for my first blood test tonight, doctors appointment on Thursday and scan in 3 weeks time. Still feeling sick as a dog - a cross between flu and sea-sick is the best description I can come up with. However every time I feel slightly better I feel terrified that I am having another miscarriage.

Alex and I are taking a look round his pre-school group and primary school tomorrow so will post about that shortly. Plus one of my closest friends is having her baby tomorrow by c-section - halloween parties for that little one!

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