Tuesday 9 October 2007

Happy October

Happy October to you.

It's turning out to be a happy October for me. I had a great time in Norfolk last week (we changed our minds about Southwold at the last minute!) and we were incredibly lucky with the weather. It was a week of walking on the beach, tucking into giant pub lunches, building sandcastles, exploring saltwater creeks, listening to migrating geese flying overhead in huge formations and enjoying each others company.
I turn 38 tomorrow and I have much to be happy about - a wonderful son, a home in a lovely village, my health, my friends, my hubbie, my parents in good health and living nearby, a job I enjoy, lots of creative hobbies and much more besides.

And better still......... I'm pregnant!

6 weeks tomorrow. The best birthday present ever! You should have seen me dancing round the room when I saw that second pink line appear. You guys are the only people I have told so far apart from hubbie. I am hoping and praying that this little one makes it but in the light of past events we have decided to keep it a secret till we get to 12 weeks. Our families were so upset by the last miscarriage that we don't want to put them through that again. Although I am not sure I can keep something of this magnitude quiet for that long! I am rubbish at lying to people so if someone asks me directly I will probably spill the beans anyway. And considering I get quite sick I think someone might just notice. Anyway we are delighted if somewhat nervous about it. Happy and terrified in equal measures.


Suzie Sews At DOTTY RED said...

Fantastic news, I wish you well in your pregnancy. So exciting...
Suzie Sews

Unknown said...

What wonderful news! many congratulations