Tuesday 9 October 2007

Vroom Vroom

Alex is just crazy about cars - to the point where he takes one to bed at night and kisses it tenderly good night. My brother warned me about the joys of having a car crazy son as one of my nephews is also car crazy. He now knows more about tractors and fire engines than most farmers and firemen! I have lots of nice wooden farms and villages and blocks and they all end up populated by fire engines and trucks rather than animals or people! So finally I decided since he isn't keen on dolls or stuffed animals I would make him a cuddly car to snuggle up to in bed. I did a bit of a rush job on it (whilst Alex napped one lunch hour) so it's not great. I do kind of like its homespun look even though I really do have to work on my embroidery skills. It's made from a thrifted flannel sheet which is so soft and so far it's not been flung out of his bed yet.


Unknown said...

I think it's lovely and I'm sure he does too :o)

Unknown said...

just as a little aside - my nephew (who is now 17 and taking his A levels) was obsessed with plumbing and pipes as a little dot - he came to stay with us when he was about two and a half and we found a shrink-wrapped brand new tap straight from the diy store in his bed one night - there's lots worse than cars :o)